Exam Preparation

$ 200

To give you the best possible chance of success, our 2-day Exam Preparation package provides candidates with a detailed insight into the standards required by the DSWA UK, helpful hints on speed and efficiency and a full mock test with analysis. Candidates then have the option to utilise the training centre for further practice, the day before their exam.


We'll provide all the tools you'll ever need - including superb Riley Northern walling hammers and take care of your lunch and refreshments, so that you can just focus on the walling.


To ensure the highest standards are met, all courses, practice events and exam events are delivered by certified DSWA UK instructors and examiners and align with DSWA UK structural principles. Please review our Accreditation course pages for more detailed information on Craftsman Certification levels and exams.


Exam Preparation package summary:

  • An Exam preparation guidance
  • A mock test with analysis
  • A Practice day
  • Lunch and refreshments, and a Stone of Arc water bottle
  • A DSWA UK-approved Examination facility
  • All required tools (including Riley Northern walling hammers)

Useful information:

  • Exam Preparation: Friday 8:00am - 5pm
  • Exam Practice: Saturday - Daylight hours
  • Exam Event: Sunday - Arrival from 7.30am, Exam 8.30am - 4pm (with 30 minute lunch break)
  • Please bring a hat, water bottle, gloves, and steel-toed/strong footwear

*Concession information: people with limited funds can register for last-minute deals at reduced prices by contacting us with their details.


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Accommodation Details

Rustic Onsite Accommodation

A range of rustic onsite accommodation is available from double/triple rooms to camping (all with shared bathroom).

Four rooms are available, 2 double and 2 twin/triple

All rooms come with aircon, heating, linen and amenities.

A basic continental breakfast is included for all overnight guests.

Extended visits welcome

There is much to enjoy in the surrounding area including bush walks, cycle trails, kayak trails, fishing, and cave exploration to name a few.

External Workshops

We can deliver custom training at your venue, contact us to discuss your training needs.



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"Walling to me is wholly engaging. It’s my gym, my art class, my mindfulness session and my trip to the country all rolled into one. It requires time, precision and order, patience, resilience, and attention to detail. It connects the past with the future and delivers a beautiful, sustainable structure and unrivalled sense of pride and satisfaction".
Emma Knowles  - Founder, Stone of Arc

0432 350 125

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