Bathurst Heritage Trades Trail
Have you completed an Introductory course? Would you like to practice and develop your skills? Then join us at Bathurst Heritage Trades Trail 2025!
Have you completed an Introductory course? Would you like to practice and develop your skills? Then join us at Bathurst Heritage Trades Trail 2025!
WISA present their very special annual carving and dry stone walling demonstrations, with workshops for women at Shibden Hall, Halifax UK, the home of Anne Lister. Join us there in 2025!
The Fish Traps in Brewarrina, NSW, built by the Ngemba some 40,000 years ago, are 35,000 years older than any other dry stone construction on earth. Stone of Arc had the privilege of reconstructing a Ngunnhu fish trip at the International Council on Monuments and Sites General Assembly & Symposium in Sydney
Stone of Arc is keen to support activities that create opportunities for people to learn more about the wonder of dry stone, including its international history and varied purposes, as well as having a go at it themselves.
Stone of Arc won't be demonstrating at the 2025 event but if you want to be inspired by other amazing artisans showcasing their skills and craftsmanship across many rare and forgotten trades, head to Bendigo for the biggest traditional trade exhibition in Australia.
Have you completed an introductory course? Would you like to practice your skills? Then join us at the Wellington Vintage Fair 2026!
We can deliver custom training at your venue, contact us to discuss your training needs.
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"Walling to me is wholly engaging. It’s my gym, my art class, my mindfulness session and my trip to the country all rolled into one. It requires time, precision and order, patience, resilience, and attention to detail. It connects the past with the future and delivers a beautiful, sustainable structure and unrivalled sense of pride and satisfaction".
Emma Knowles - Founder, Stone of Arc